characterization of diseases that affect elderly people in the community
Envelhecimento, Doença crônica, estilo de vidaAbstract
The presence of chronic diseases highlights the need to promote the control and prevention of these conditions, as they are the leading causes of death. This study aims to describe the health problems and self-care practices of elderly individuals assisted by a primary health care unit in the municipality of João Pessoa, PB. This research is an exploratory, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, conducted with 50 elderly individuals participating in the HIPERDIA consultations, within a micro-area of a primary health care unit. Data collection was carried out in April of the current year, at the health care unit itself. Each interview lasted an average of 20 minutes. Upon completion of data collection, the data were organized in an Excel spreadsheet for descriptive and quantitative analysis. It was found that 56% of the sample are female and fall within the age range of 60 to 69 years; 50% are illiterate; 46% are widowed, and 86% live on a minimum wage; 62% have hypertension, 22% have diabetes mellitus, and 20% have osteoporosis; 72% only monitored their blood pressure; 68% do not engage in physical activity, and 86% do not maintain a healthy diet, factors necessary for controlling blood pressure, blood glucose, and muscle mass. It was identified that it is essential to consider the elderly beyond the biological aspect and that all levels of health care, especially Primary Health Care, should recognize and give space and voice to the thoughts, desires, and needs of elderly individuals with chronic conditions. This approach aims to guide the therapeutic process towards knowledge, self-care, and ultimately build a transformative care model based on the promotion of elderly health.
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